Friday, December 10, 2010

God in the theories of atheists

The existence of God in the theories of atheists
There is no doubt that the year over Communism, which is in the principles of justice relative foster democracy, but all of the adoption of these ideas, concluded that religion is the opium of the people keeps him on the progress in life have mistaken them in denying the existence of God, but that stage, attributed many to believe in the divine presence
Has ignored the scientific theories and the existence of the Creator or God, and proclaimed that the idea of a god came from the ancient cultures and ancient religions, and that what happened in the beginning and the existence of the universe is the explosion of a great product of the existence of stable energy does not die or develop not have made nature, which resulted in everything that exists and we see Creativity in the universe
The end of science to it, despite the failure of Darwin's theory of evolution and the existence of recent discoveries prove the existence of all creatures with each other despite the extinction of dinosaurs and other like objects like humans
As for the issue of the Big Bang must be that the blast was not random, but orderly and can be replaced with the word explosion emission energy very stable because it does not have a blast without evidence of word explosion is the random either random does not give birth to a system organized to walk in a single frequency, a nature which is subject to the laws of assets (according to the belief atheism)
So sad to get rid scientifically word explosion and say emission energy fixed the first of the establishment of the existence of an energy II control system, the energy industry, what is in the universe must be a system is the brain power and is the organizer of each reaction, took the energy resulting in a specific asset, such as inanimate objects and so on, but the existence of life must be the official after the third power of life and is derived from the donor of this dimension of life
If we look at the three dimensions of energy, we find that the fourth dimension can be neglected in the theory of relativity to Einstein and is the time
And because the eternal power and eternal Because the start is to infinity and the end is indefinitely so do not be taken to Einstein's theory of relativity
And from the existence of the world was in the three dimensions of space have three dimensions of card I'll leave you say that God is Trinity, which was the reason of our existence
The Lord is yesterday, today and forever, Amen

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